Asking her to pose for the camera has never been a problem. In most cases, she would even be the one tagging you to take a photo of her. Betchay, my only niece, is always the perfect subject for a photo shoot. Armed with her adorable smile and candidness, she will make you love her as she strikes a pose.
With the mischievous beam on her face, the little princess is sure to bring forth a perfect photo.
Title of the Photo: Mischievous Little Princess
Date Taken: May 10, 2009
Camera: Canon Digital Ixus 80 IS
mischievous little princess
spammer bummer
There will always be a first time. And my first encounter with a spammer bummer happened very recently as it left an unwelcome message in my chat box. When you only get to blog occasionally, wouldn't it be irritating to see a spam message on your site? Out of impulse, I immediately deleted my chat box, knowing this would permanently remove all the messages my blogmates have left since the first day my blog was born.
Lesson learned in this experience is to make sure whatever you put on your blog is spam free. I am definitely going to put another chat box sometime soon. But in the meantime, as I search for a spam-free widget, you may leave me a message at the end of my post.
discovering laiya, batangas
The last time I found myself there was in the year 2000. Back then, I remember disliking its beach because it was spoiled with trash and was a bit crowded. But just last month, discovering Laiya, Batangas was a kick-off experience! With a budget to consider for our day-tour, what happened on the last day of May was truly surprising!
Cheap but decent. That would be the best way to describe the huts offered by Manang Ely. With rates ranging from Php2000 - Php4000 (depending on its capacity), travelers will be assured of a quiet, safe and budget-friendly vacation just 3-4 hours away from the hustle and bustle of Manila.
What my husband loved most about our day tour in Laiya, Batangas (aside from grilling marshmallows, hotdogs and seafood) was the marine life. His voice filled with excitement, my husband described the fishes he saw in various sizes and hues just a few meters away from the shore. Remarkable!

More photos HERE.

She is the fifth bride in our barkada and all eyes will be on her as she walks down the aisle on January 8, 2010. Gladly, I volunteered to make their Save-The-Date magnets (at least its layout) as I searched for inspiration in the world wide web. After coming up with about 5 designs, she fell in-love with a layout I called minimalist. She calls it simple but with a kick of elegance!
After printing a sample of their STD, my friend Jane kept convincing me to create a website showcasing all my designs. She says I could make extra money out of designing Save-The-Date cards or even invitations for special occasions. Come to think of it. It does seem feasible! But with a load of things I need to accomplish at work, designing can only be done in my spare time (which rarely happens). But yeah, I love the idea. In time. It shall happen.
humorous rebecca bloomwood
Believe it or not. I read the book just last weekend. Pathetic? Right. Months ago, I thought reading it would be a waste of time. But the first page of the book proved me wrong as I met the humorous Rebecca Bloomwood!
Sophie Kinsella's Confessions of a Shopaholic was so entertaining it kept me awake until dawn of Sunday. Careful not to wake my husband, I tried to control my giggles only to hear myself farting! I loved the book so much I had to search for its film adaptation. Sadly though, its movie version, which I've seen last night over a cup of hot chocolate, wasn't as funny as the book.
Somehow, I am aware comparing a book to its film adaptation is a crime. However, I had such high expectations that I couldn't resist comparing one from the other. Nevertheless, I found the film entertaining enough and was even able to convince my husband to watch it with me!
I am now holding a copy of Sophie Kinsella's other book entitled The Undomestic Goddess. I am trying to resist the temptation of reading it on a work week. I should be disciplined enough and wait for the weekend to fall.
goodbye curls
And so it finally happened. After a year of living and enjoying my every day life the sophisticated and matured way --- in other words, facing the mirror with long and big curly hair, I said goodbye to my curls. It felt nerve-wracking as my hairstylist snipped his scissors with my long hair slowly falling to the ground. I kept myself busy with all the fashion magazines within my reach, pretending I couldn't care less with how the haircut would suit my face. Truth is, my heart was pumping wildly!
By the time my hairstylist did his final touch on the last strand of my hair, I looked in the mirror and thought I was looking at a complete stranger. But no it wasn't a stranger. I was actually looking at me! Bob hairstyle, cut just below the ears to remove the curls. This time though, the highlight was the full bangs.
A day after I had my haircut, was our school's anniversary party at Dusit Hotel in Makati. It was hilarious when some of the guests, who knew how long my hair was, asked if I was wearing a wig! I guess they found it bold I cut my hair just like that. The photo above shows me on the left with my boss. As the party ended, the guests couldn't help but calling me Cleopatra, with my green and gold gown complementing my hairstyle!